慈濟技術學院學報 第14期
序號 |
名稱 |
作者 |
1 |
The Mistakes of Wang Zhu's Notes in Du Fu's Poem |
蔡志超 |
2 |
Factors affecting overweight and obesity : A review |
莊漢宗 李怡真 田一成 謝易達 |
3 |
Study on ESP Supplementary Material Development for Tzu Chi Sign Language Opera |
蔡裕美 釋德慇 |
4 |
The Study of the Portrait of the Swordswomen in the Chuan-Qi of the Tang Dynasty |
許彙敏 |
5 |
Study on Task-based Assignments in a Technical College's EFL Class |
蔡裕美 鄧琇介 陳奕君 釋德慇 |
6 |
Burrell and Morgan's Paradigms for IS Research |
許瑋麟 陳皇曄 蔡宗宏 |
7 |
台灣公私立大學人力資源管理策略化程度與部門團隊績效關係之研究 A study of the relationship between the strategizing level and team performance of human resources departments in's universities |
范揚晧 朱正一 范熾文 |
8 |
第三者之介入-以美國在台海危機(1995-1996)角色扮演 Third party Intervention – The role of the in Taiwan Strait Crisis ( 1995 – 1996 ) |
程長志 |
9 |
The Research of Construction of Green-Environmental Tax |
謝美緞 |
10 |
A Service Oriented Accounting Information System Based on XML Database |
吳善全 王孟怡 |
11 |
Primary investigation of environmental sanitation, education and prevention of bacillary dysentery of a certain aboriginal town of Hualian County |
迪魯•法納奧 林秀英 |
12 |
An analysis of the relationship between the image of willow and Ji Kang's life sentiment |
梁巧燕 田一成 |
13 |
Poetry Criticism Theory Introduced by Wong Fang-kang and His Evaluation on Du Fu's Poetry |
蔡志超 |
14 |
The Relationship between the practices of the "Measures for Promoting Equality in Employment"and Female Nurses' Intention to Stay |
謝易達 莊漢宗 田一成 李怡真 |
15 |
Radiation safety and neutron dose rate measurements in the control area of medical cyclotron |
蔡長書 鐘 堅 陳昆焙 高志浩 侯雅雪 陳弘一 陳鼎昌 林宜慶 |